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Anemia Symptoms

Anemia Symptoms

Anemia is a symptom of underlying conditions, such as loss of blood components, elements do not adequately or lack of nutrients needed for the formation of red blood cells, resulting in decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of blood.

Anemia is a term that indicates a low red blood cell count and hemoglobin and hematocrit levels below normal.

Anemia is reduced to below the normal value of red blood cells, hemoglobin quality and volume of packed red bloods cells (hematocrit) per 100 ml of blood (Price, 2006: 256).
Thus, anemia is not a diagnosis or disease, but is a reflection of state of a disease or disorder of the body functions and changes the fundamental patotisiologis anemnesis described through a thorough, physical examination and laboratory information.

Anemia Symptoms

Clinical symptoms that appear to reflect dysfunction of various systems in the body such as decrease in physical performance, impaired neurologic (nerve), which is manifested in changes in behavior, anorexia (emaciated body), and abnormal cognitive development in children. Often, too, growth abnormality, epithelial dysfunction, and reduced gastric acidity.

An easy way to know anemia with 5 signs: weak, tired, lethargic, tired, negligent. If it appears five of these symptoms, we can be sure a person has anemia. Another symptom is the appearance of sclera (white color on the lower eyelid).

Anemia can cause fatigue, weakness, lack of energy and the head was floating. If the anemia gets worse, can cause a stroke or heart attack.


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