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Appendicitis Symptoms

Appendicitis Symptoms

Appendicitis is a disease that attacks the appendix. Appendicitis occurs when the appendix, another name for the appendix was inflamed and make it vulnerable to rupture, this includes a serious medical emergency. Surgery performed for treatment of intestinal inflammation that swells, this operation requires first treatment about 3 months which would be very costly. In case of appendicitis symptoms within three days in a row, people please immediately contact a doctor or come to the hospital to get medical treatment that can be directly operated, but if symptoms of appendicitis more than a week left, then the serious medical treatment is needed to relieve the intestinal inflammation that occurs prior to surgery patients heal.

Appendicitis Symptoms

For the most part, symptoms are related to disturbed bowel functions. First pain, vomiting and fever last next has been described as classic presentation of acute appendicitis. Pain starts mid abdomen, and except in children below 3 years, tends to localize in right iliac fossa in A Few hours. This pain cans be elicited through Various Signs. Signs include localized Findings in the right iliac fossa. The abdominal wall Becomes very sensitive to gentle pressure (palpation). Also, there is severe pain on Suddenly releasing a deep pressure in the lower abdominal rebound tenderness. In case of a retrocecal appendix, however, even deep pressure in the right lower quadrant May fail to elicit tenderness (silent appendix), the reason being That the cecum, distended with gas, prevents the pressure exerted by the palpating hand from reaching the inflamed appendix. Similarly, if the appendix lies entirely Within the pelvis, there is usually complete absence of the abdominal rigidity. In Such cases, a digital rectal examination elicits tenderness in the rectovesical pouch. Coughing causes point tenderness in this area (McBurney's point) and this is the least painful way to localize the inflamed appendix. If the abdomen on palpation is Also involuntarily guarded (rigid), there Should Be a strong suspicion of peritonitis requiring urgent surgical intervention.



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