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Meningitis Symptoms

Meningitis Symptoms

Meningitis often begins acutely, more rarely - gradually (tuberculous, fungal); meningitis is usually preceded by fever, weakness, pain in muscles and the characteristics of a specific pathogen:

when meningococcus - rashes, when pnevmococcus - runny nose, pneumonia, otitis, when parotitis - lesion of salivary lands, when enterovirus - bowel disorder.

The most visible sign of meningitis is headache pain spilled nature, which is growing rapidly, and reaches such intensity that adult patients whimper and children screaming and crying. Soon begins nausea and vomiting, lasting many times.

Headache pain increases with the changing body pose, from the audio and visual stimuli. There is increased sensitivity of the skin. The state of the adult can dramatically deteriorate within 24 hours, and in a child - even faster. Adolescents and adults appear irritability, confusion, and then increasing sleepiness, which can go into sopor and coma. The disease leads to brain edema and prevents the blood, causing symptoms similar to symptoms of stroke, including paralysis.

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