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Seizures Signs and Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms of Seizures

Generalized seizures involve the entire cortex of the brain
·        Grand mal seizures
·          May have an aura
·          Loss of consciousness
·          Tonic-clonic movement
·          Incontinence
·          Clenched teeth, tongue biting
·          Post-ictal phase

·        Petit mal seizures
·          Loss of consciousness (10-30 seconds)
·          Eye or muscle fluttering
·          May lose muscle tone

Partial seizures are confined to a limited portion of the brain, however they may spread and become generalized

·        Focal seizures
·          Localized to one area of the body
·          No loss of consciousness

·        Psychomotor seizures
·          Characterized by distinctive auras (ie. metallic taste)
·          No loss of consciousness
·          May lose touch with their surroundings for a few moments
·          May have sudden, brief personality change

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